friends took me out for desert after our test on my bday...Im really stretching this bday out bday Celebrating Marcos' bday in Triana...the next night! haha Celebrating my birthday in Triana!
Monday, May 25, 2009
My sweet roomate Kellen got me flowers for my bday! My professor surprised me and took the class out to get cake for my bday. ¡Feliz cumpleaños a mí! Another procession for another Saint..not sure which one If you're good you get an ear. If the people like the bull fighter they wave hanker-chiefs...if they dont like him they whistle. There he goes...dead... this happens six times. There are three bull fighters and two bulls to each bull fighter. They sell the meat in the markets the next day and those proceeds go to orphanages. I'm not sure how I feel about bull fights. Now they are just kind of waiting for him to collapse and die. Then they stab him in the head and pull him out of the ring. This is right before he stabbed him with the big curved sword which goes straight to his heart. Then the bullfighter comes out and puts on a show and sizes up his bull. Basically these guys jab him a bunch with little swords in the back to lower his head before the real bull fighter even comes out. Pobre toro : ( before the bull fight started- btw this is the first time this animal has EVER seen a two legged animal. They are fed and worked with on horseback Alicia and I in Córdoba I had been serious in the Mezquita for so long so I chased some birds around outside afterwards I have officially fallen in love with family crests. I have a whole series of pictures on them but I figured I'd just put one up. My conversation professor! Mario... he's a hoot Córdoba- this is the Mezquita (mosque) these pictures dont really do it justice This is a park right across from my families apartment- This is where I've started to have my quiet time its beautiful
Close to the Cathedral Spanish kids are sooooooo cute!
Flamenco dresses--- they were like 10 pounds but fun to wear!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Me/ Lisa/ Alicia running in! It was freezing! the only outlets were in the bathroom and we wanted to let our parents know we were alive : ) you're welcome madre My roomie! Kellen and I really love the places with gelato...I think thats where we are in this pic Cadiz! burying daniel Get your guns up!